1. 제1회 대한관절경학회 연수강좌가 2010년 10월 2일(토) 서울 성모병원에서
개최됩니다. 본 연수강좌는 관절경 분야를 총 정리하는 시간으로서 참석하시는
모든 전공의 및 개원의 분들께 유익한 시간이 될 것입니다.
2. 2010년 대한관절경학회 연수강좌 Program 안내
I. Instruments and equipment of arthroscopy
1) Arthroscope and fiberoptic light source
2) Television camera and video system
3) Accessory instrumemts, motorized shaving and radiofrequency system
4) Irrigation system and sterilization of instrument
II. Basic in Shoulder Arthroscopy
1) Arthroscopic equipment & enviroment
2) Portal
3) Knot tying technique
4) Soft tissue penetration technique
III. Rotator cuff Tear & Impingement syndrome
1) Etiology
2) Conservative treatment
3) Indication for operation
4) What’s new in repair
IV. Basic in Elbow Arthroscopy
1) Arthroscopic environment & portal
2) Normal & abnormal finding
3) Indication for elbow arthroscopic operation
4) Sports injury in elbow
V. Arthroscopy of Foot and Ankle
1) Anatomy, Position, Portals
2) Osteochondral Leion of Talus
3) Ankle Impingement and Arthrodesis
4) Subtalar and Big Toe Arthroscopy
VI. Meniscus and cartilage injury
1) Anatomy and biomechanics of meniscus
2) Arthroscopic portal, diagnosis and principle of treatment
(menisectomy or repair)
3) Meniscus allograft transplantation
4) Basic science of cartilage
5) Overview of cartilage repair
VII. ACL injury
1) Anatomy and biomechanics
2) Injury mechanism and diagnosis
3) Graft selection & fixation
4) Technique and clinical review in ACL single bundle reconstruction
5) Technique and clinical review in ACL double bundle reconstruction
VIII. PCL and multiple ligamentous injury
1) Anatomy and biomechanics of PCL and posterolateral ligament complex
2) Injury mechanism and diagnosis of PCL and PLI
3) Technique and clinical review in PCL reconstruction
(single vs double bundle, trnastibial vs inlay, remnant preservation)
4) Treatment algorithm for multiple ligamentous injury
3. 대한 관절경학회 사무실
서울 동대문구 회기동 1번지 경희대학교 부속병원
정형외과학교실 (130-702)
- 경희대학교병원 정형외과학교실
- 대한관절경학회
- 경정회
Tel. 02-958-8348
Fax. 02-964-3865